Strathmore Law Journal
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice within the African Continent
John Winterdyk
Promoting Efforts in the Eradication of Child Trafficking in Nigeria: The Need for a More Robust Legislation
Uche Nnawulezi, Bosede Remilekun Adeuti
The Efficacy of Legal Reforms in Managing Conflict of Interest Law as a Tool for Handling Conflict of Interest and Corruption
Peter Kwenjera, IanChris Muchangi
A Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Performance of Kenyan Courts Undertaking Judicial Review of Legislative Action
Buluma Bwire, Migai Akech, Agnes Meroka-Mutua
Defining Rape: The Problem with Consent
Caroline Adoch
Judicial Landmarks in Modern Governance: The Contemporary Constitution in a Common Law Medium
Jackton B. Ojwang, Loise Wangeci
Arbitrating During and Post Covid-19: Nigeria and the Imperativeness of Adopting a Legal Framework on Third-Party Funding Lessons from Selected Jurisdictions
David Eyongndi, Faith N. Opara
Deciphering Sustainable Development within the Framework of the International Human Rights System
Leticia Carmen ASUMU BENGO
Legal and Regulatory Framework for Digital Credit Providers in Nigeria: Lessons from Kenya’s Digital Credit Providers Regulations, 2022
Dr. Tayewo Adewumi, Temilade Jolaosho
Judicial Ethics: A Key Tenet to Legal Ethics
Lydia Achode
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)
The Illusion of Greener Pastures: Violence and Justice for Female Ugandan Migrant Workers in the Middle East
Zahara Nampewo
Ending the Oppression Olympics: Promoting the Concomitant Political Participation of Marginalised Groups in Kenya
Luciana Thuo
Devolution as a Panacea to Deeply Divided Multi-Ethnic (National) States: The Continuing Kenyan Experiment
Harrison O Mbori
Constitutional Guardianship in Kenya’s Bicameral Legislature An Assessment of Judicial Intervention in Inter-Cameral Disputes over the Enactment of the Division of Revenue Bill
Walter Khobe Ochieng
Legal Education and its Contemporary Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa
Antoinette Kankindi, Victor Chimbwanda
An Examination of the Lomé Charter
Marie Valerie Uppiah
A Representative of the People A review of Dominic Burbidge’s An Experiment in Devolution: National Unity and the Deconstruction of the Kenyan State
Lizzy Muthoni Kibira
A Critique of the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone’s Conviction of Augustine Marrah for Criminal Contempt
Augustine Sorie-Sengbe Marrah
International Solidarity, Human Rights and Life on the African Continent ‘After’ the Pandemic
Obiora Chinedu Okafor
The Two-thirds Gender Rule ‘Mirage’: Unlocking the Stalemate
Elisha Ongoya
Land Reform in Kenya: The History of an Idea
Ambreena Manji
Burying the Kasuku Syndrome: Constructing Inventive Sites of Knowledge
Mĩcere Gĩthae Mũgo
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020)
The Commonification of Food as an Approach for the Achievement of Food Security and the Realisation of the Right to Food for All
Nicholas Wasonga Orago
Unpacking the African Backlash to the International Criminal Court (ICC): The Case of Uganda and Kenya
Joe Oloka Onyango
Copyright in Digital Television Broadcasting in Kenya: An Analysis of the Royal Media Services Case
Cynthia Amutete
The Enhanced Rights for Detained Persons Application of the Remedy of Habeas Corpus under the Cameroon Criminal Procedure Code
Ewang Sone Andrew
The Sacrosanct? The Challenge in Holding the United Nations Responsible for the Failure to Prevent Genocide
Allan Mukuki
A Review of the Health Act 2017 Using the Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and Quality Framework
Claire Adionyi
The Death Penalty under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Some Reflections for African States Case Law
Zonke Majodina
The Strategic Utility of Lawfare: Orde F Kittrie’s Study of How International Law Can be Weaponised
Brian Sang YK
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017)
The Limits of Targeted Killing in Counterterrorism Operations: An International Law Perspective
Brian Sang YK
The Countering Terrorism and Violet Extremism While Promoting the Right of Peoples to Peace and Security in Africa
Christian Guillermet Fernández, David Fernández Puyana
The Elusive Legal Definition of Terrorism at the United Nations An Inhibition to the Criminal Justice Paradigm at the State Level?
Mercy Obado Ochieng
Discreet Discretion and Moderate Moderation in Judicial Sentencing: A commentary on Kenya’s Sentencing Policy Guidelines, 2016
Harrison O Mbori
Remedies to Illicit Financial Flows from Transfer Pricing of Services and Hosting Intellectual Property in Kenya
Charles Gordema
Security and devolution in Kenya: Struggles in applying constitutional provisions to local politics
Dominic Burbidge
Religious Pluralism in Practice: Defining Secularism in Kenya’s Headscarf Cases
Mukami Wangai
Casting Fresh Light on an Age-Old Discipline: Migai Akech’s Creative Study of Administrative Law
Jackton B Ojwang
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016)
Islam and Terrorism: The Blurred Boundary Between the Cosmic and this World
Ahaya L. Ochieng
A Critique of the International Legal Regime Applicable to Terrorism
Nabil Mokaya Orina
Regulating Terrorism Before the Act of Terror: A comparative study
Frederick B. Fedynyshyn<
The Way Forward on Counter-Terrorism: Global Perspectives
Alex P. Schmid
Derivative Action Under the Companies Act 2015: New Jurisprudence or Mere Codification of Common Law Principles?
Yohanna Gadaffi, Miriam Tatu
Implementation of Political Participation Standards for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Kenya
Luciana Thuo
Chinese Foreign Direct Investment and Human Rights in Kenya: A Mutually-Affirming Relationship?
Rosemary Mwanza
Chronicles of the Doha Wars: The Battle of Nairobi – Appraisal of the Tenth WTO Ministerial
Mihir Kanade
The ‘Great Escape’: In Pursuit of President Al Bashir in South Africa
Jerusha Asin
Selected Recent Institutional and Rule-Making Developments in the Law of the Sea (2015-2016)
Humphrey S Sipalla
Cyber-Attacks and the Exploitable Imperfections of International Law
Ivan Sang
Constitutional law of Kenya on devolution
Tom Kabau
Kenya-South Africa Dialogue on Devolution
Teddy Musiga
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Access to Justice and Development in Kenya
Kariuki Muigua, Francis Kariuki
The Wretched African Traditionalists in Kenya: The Challenges and Prospects of Customary Law in the New Constitutional Era
John Osogo Ambani, Ochieng Ahaya
Towards a New Justificatory Theory of Comparative Constitutional Law
Santiago Legarre
The Constitution of Kenya, 2010: An Introductory Commentary
Eric Kibet